EGLF Engineering is a Belgian design office specializing in the development of electronic equipment for the transport sector, with projects in Belgium and abroad. We work with a diverse range of clients, including industrial companies, solution and equipment providers, as well as railway and road transport operators.
In addition, EGLF Engineering has strong expertise in signaling and ticketing systems, as well as infrastructure equipment, with a thorough understanding of the standards and regulations governing both onboard and infrastructure-based equipment. Our focus is on providing specialized expertise to help clients meet the highest industry standards, particularly in safety and compliance.
Road Public Transport
Railway Transport
Automotive Transport
Our engineers are highly skilled and multi-disciplinary
To assist you with your project, we provide expertise in the following areas:
- System Engineering
- Electronic Design
- Hardware integration
- Software development and Analysis
- Safety and risk Analysis
- Project Management
- Quality Systems
- Tests and validation
- Products and boards manufacturing
- Maintenance and obsolescence management
- …
Depending on the client’s needs and process preferences, we can either integrate with their teams directly at their site or collaborate to define the mission objectives, which we can then execute at our site as a subcontracted project. We also have our own facilities for the production of prototypes and small series.
Some achievements with our customers:
Navigation Assistance
GPS System embedded in cars
Inside a car, establishment of the communication between the navigation system and the other devices inside the car.
ETCS/ATP Equipment onboard or at trackside.
Involvement in development of onboard equipment or trackside equipment to allow a roll-out of ETCS and national ATP for railway operators.
Public Transport Operator
Console for drivers
Creation of an HW platform as well as company applicative SW. Setup of the radio-communication infrastructure between vehicles and servers.
Railway Interlocking
Signaling Infrastructure
Participation in the setup of interlockings on the network of railway infrastructure operators.